
PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) — In the seventh bull run at this year's San Fermin festival in Spain, four people have sustained cuts and bruises along Pamplona's narrow streets.

But none of the several thousand daredevils testing their bravery by running beside six fighting bulls were gored in Sunday's race.

Dr. Oscar Gorria says three runners have been hospitalized with head injuries and one was being treated for a chest injury.

There were dangerous moments when one bull tossed two runners, but it narrowly missed them with the points of its horns.

The festival blends adrenaline with all-night partying, and 15 people have died from gorings since record-keeping began in 1924.

The nine-day festival became world-famous after author Ernest Hemingway used it as a backdrop in his 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."